Home > Exhibition > KOBE ART MARCHE 2022 Joint exhibition by GODO Hiroki & TSUDA Tomoko

神戸アートマルシェ2022 / 白白庵 出展企画 | KOBE ART MARCHE 2022 / PAKUPAKUAN presents

~ 混迷の時代を照らす一筋の光 ~
Ray of light to illuminate the times of the confusion.

神戸博喜・津田友子 二人展
光  明
Joint exhibition by GODO Hiroki & TSUDA Tomoko
"The Light"

 日程 2022年5月13日(金)・14日(土)・15日(日)
 *入場料 1,000円 (3日間通し券) *予約不要
 時間 午前11時~午後7時
 会場 神戸メリケンパークオリエンタルホテル(13階 客室全室)*白白庵出展室:1336号室
    〒650-0042 神戸市中央区波止場町5-6
    TEL. 078-325-8111(代表)
神戸アートマルシェ2022 公式サイト https://www.art-marche.jp/2022/

【GALLERY exhibition】
 DATE : 2022.5.13 Fri. - 5.15 Sun.
 *entrance fee ¥1,000 (3days pass) *No appointment required
 TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel (13th floor) *Room #1336 : PAKUPAKUAN
      5-6 Hatoba-cho,Chuo-ku,Kobe 650-0042,Japan
      TEL. 078-325-8111
Official web site https://www.art-marche.jp/2022/

 日時 2022年5月13日(金) 午前11時 ~ 15日(日)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing / PAKUPAKUAN online shop】
 DATE & TIME : 2022.5.13 Fri. 11:00am. - 5.8 Sun. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》
 *You can watch and purchase part of the exhibition work of PAKUPAKUAN. (It supports various credit, the online payment.)


【オンライン開催/神戸アートマルシェ2022 in ART SCENES】
 日時 2022年4月29日(金・祝) 午後12時 ~ 5月31日(火)午後23時59分
 会場 ART SCENES (https://art-scenes.net/ja/) 内特設ページ

 DATE & TIME : 2022.4.29 Fri. 12:00 - 5.31 Tue. 23:59
 VENUE : Special issues page on https://art-scenes.net/ja/
 *You can watch part of the exhibition work of all participation gallery on the web site.

神戸博喜「蓮のかけらIII」 GODO Hiroki “Fragment of the lotus III”

神戸博喜「蓮のかけらI」 GODO Hiroki “Fragment of the lotus I”

Serving tea in mobile tea ceremony room “Emigrant house” produced by SANADA Daisuke from SUWA Creative Office
日時 5月13日(金)終日 / 14日(土)・15日(日)11:00 - 15:30
呈茶 石橋 圭吾(白白庵 主宰)、中ノ上 真穂(白白庵 コンシェルジュ)
〔薄茶一服、お菓子付き / 作品購入者限定・無料〕
[Date] May 13 (Fri) 11:00-19:00, 14 (Sat) & 15 (Sun) 11:00-15:30
[Serving tea] ISHIBASHI Keigo (Director of PAKUPAKUAN), NAKANOUE Maho (Concierge of PAKUPAKUAN)
Green tea serving with the tea bowl by TSUDA Tomoko. Limited to the person who purchased an art work in the room.


Cocktail hour by INOUE Daisuke (Bartender from “ARTS”)
日時 5月14日(土)・15日(日)16:00 - 19:00
カクテル 井上 大輔(バーテンダー / ARTS)
〔有料:1杯 1,000円(込)〕
[Date] May 14 (Sat) & 15 (Sun) 16:00-19:00
[Cocktail] INOUE Daisuke (Bartender from "ARTS")
Original cocktails by INOUE Daisuke from “ARTS” (Tokyo), serving with ceramic bowls by TSUDA Tomoko.
〔1 cocktail for 1,000JPY 〕

津田友子「茶盌 蜘蛛の糸『日出乾坤輝』」 TSUDA Tomoko “Tea bowl / Spiderʼs thread 《Sun rises, and Heaven and earth shine》”

津田友子「茶盌 蜘蛛の糸」 TSUDA Tomoko “Tea bowl / Spiderʼs thread”

神戸博喜「流れる光」 GODO Hiroki “Light to spread”






Last year, the KOBE ART MARCHÉ was canceled due to the global spread of COVID-19.
The 13th holding, which will be a parting of the ways, will be held in conjunction with the online and hotel venues in response to the demands of the times.

PAKUPAKAN will re-construct the mobile tearoom “IMIN-KEN (Migrant’s house)” , designed by SANADA Daisuke, which was developed in the VIP room during the previous KOBE ART MARCHÉ (2019), and organize a two-person exhibition by the painter GODO Hiroki and the ceramic artist TSUDA Tomoko.

The two artists were once coupled in the exhibition “KA KI ROU”, which was organized and held at PAKUPAKUAN in 2017.

GODO, who expresses a cosmic worldview using flowers as a motif in his meticulous line drawings, and TSUDA, who makes RAKU ware for tea ceremony and luxurious vessels imbued with ideas of Buddhism, will have the opportunity to bring their own works that expand their views on life and death and their thoughts on the 'lotus flower'.

The title “KO-MYO” means the light that leads Sattva (us, human beings) out of the deep darkness of hell to the “REN-GE-HOU-DO” (lotus flower-treasure land, paradise).
In these turbulent and chaotic times, the lotus which has strong roots and blooms beautifully, is the symbol of the new works by both artists, which seem to foreshadow the coming age.

The mobile tearoom ‘IMIN-KEN’, designed by architect SANADA Daisuke, will be set in the centre of the hotel rooms, with a PAKUPAKUAN-style tea ceremony and a special service by the bartender.

This will be a unique opportunity to enjoy art and hospitality while feeling the early summer sea breeze in an exceptional location.


津田友子「茶盌 蜘蛛の糸『珊瑚のカルマ』」 TSUDA Tomoko “Tea bowl / Spiderʼs thread 《Coral's karma》”

【 出展作家 】 Artists(敬称略・五十音順)
神戸 博喜 GODO Hiroki

画家・美術作家 / 千葉県在住
2014 第三回「天祭 一◯八」『天祭現代コレクション』・グランプリ(増上寺 / 東京)
2015 第四回「天祭 一◯八」『天祭現代コレクション』・グランプリ(増上寺 / 東京)

Painter, artist / Resident in Chiba pref.
Born in 1981.
Graduated from the Design Course at Faculty of Art, Kyoto Seika University.
Completed the Masterʼs Program at Graduate School of Art, Kyoto Seika University.
Started to make artworks under the theme of flowers around 2002.
2014 Won the grand prix at “TENSAI Contemporary Collection” in the 3rd “TENSAI 108” (Zojoji Temple / Tokyo)
2015 Won the grand prix at “TENSAI Contemporary Collection” in the 4th “TENSAI 108” (Zojoji Temple / Tokyo)

津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko

陶芸家 / 京都府在住
1975 京都で生まれる
京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了
京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了
2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付け、制作に励む。

Ceramic artist / Resident in Kyoto pref.
1975 born in Kyoto
1997~ for seven years, studied under YOSHIMURA Rakunyu (the artist of the hand-molded earthenware “RAKU”)
Completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department
Completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course
2015 named the kiln at Hanazono, Kyoto, as “BIOU KILN” and work hard at production.
A lot of handling in department stores, based in PAKUPAKUAN, Tokyo


【茶室設計・建築】 Design & Architecture of the tea room
 眞田 大輔 SANADA Daisuke (建築家 / すわ製作所)

【カクテル考案・提供】 Original cocktails serving
 井上 大輔 INOUE Daisuke (バーテンダー / ARTS)

【企画・ディレクション】 Direction
 石橋 圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo (白白庵 主宰)

神戸博喜「蓮のかけらV」 GODO Hiroki “Fragment of the lotus V”

津田友子「楽茶盌『昇り龍』」 TSUDA Tomoko “RAKU Tea bowl 《Rising dragon》”

神戸博喜「蓮のかけらIV」 GODO Hiroki “Fragment of the lotus IV”

津田友子「皿 蜘蛛の糸『柳緑花紅』」 TSUDA Tomoko “Plate / Spiderʼs thread 《Red blossoms and green willows : Beauty of nature》”