Home > Exhibition > Atelier MUKUNOKI (feat. MIO Asuka & Azuchi) woodwork & painting exhibition

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント限定企画 | PAKUPAKUAN Online + Appointment Limited exhibition


年 輪 と い う 名 の レ コ ー ド を 再 生 し よ う 。

Let's play the disk named the annual ring.

工 房 む く の 木 feat. 三尾あすか・あづち 

Atelier MUKUNOKI (feat. MIO Asuka & Azuchi) woodwork & painting exhibition
【 オ ン ラ イ ン 】
 日時 2020年11月14日(土)午前11時 ~ 23日(月・祝)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP 内特設ページ
 ▶ 工房むくの木 木工&絵画展 「ねんりんね」 オンライン展示

 DATE & TIME : 2020.11.14 SAT. 11:00am. - 23 MON. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP
 ▶ Atelier MUKUNOKI feat. MIO Asuka & Azuchi woodwork & painting Online exhibition
 日程 2020年11月14日(土)~ 23日(月・祝)のうち、金・土・日・月曜日 限定
 時間 午前11時~午後7時 の間で 一時間枠

 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー)

【Appointment for visiting PAKUPAKUAN gallery】
 DATE : Only Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and National holidays during 2020.11.14 SAT. - 23 MON.
 TIME : 1 hour during 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 *Only less than 3 people will be accepted in each time schedules.
 *We do not give the permission to visit to our gallery if visitors will be over 3 members.
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit us, until in business hours (11:00-19:00) of the day before visit (mail, telephone, or message from any SNS).
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor)


The rings of trees record the effects of weather and external factors on their record board, and are engraved over the years.
When they are played by human hands, the proof of their existence will be turned round in the form of "warmth".

Seasonal news from Tsukechi City, Gifu prefecture, holds hints for a deeper look at the relationship between people, nature, life and art.

MIO Hideaki (the deceased), who was active as a journalist and a magazine writer, came back to Gifu Prefecture and established Atelier MUKUNOKI in 1983.
Since 1985, he has held solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya every year.
At the same time, he had planned exhibitions such as “Exhibition of FUDOKI in the forest” all over Japan and tried to propose various lifestyles as his life work.
He has made many items of daily-use tableware and furniture from all the precious forest resources. The style of his paintings ranges from soft seasonal flowers and plants to landscapes, tanka and waka poems, humorous human masks, and ancient Egyptian wall paintings.
After Hideaki's death in 2017, his twin daughters (Asuka and Azuchi), who are also artists, have joined creating with his wife Masako, and they continue to work together.
The wooden bowls decorated with rustic textures and vivid colors will make you feel more flavor and affection as they are used for a long time.
From young children to the elderly, they can be used by anyone with ease of use.


 工房むくの木主宰 三尾 英明
 “There are countless over 300-year-old big trees around the town where I live.
 Trees grown in bad circumstances have great wood grain.
 In the same way as a person and a person, our works depend on the encounter with an artist and wood.
 Furnishings made of divine big trees and wood-turning small vessels tell me what is best for the wood.
 Our work is producing works, not making them.
 I hope our works would be suggestive of the original painting woodwork world trying to harmonize Japanese woodworks
 with contemporary life in Japan, a time-honored lacquerware powerhouse.”

 President of Atelier MUKUNOKI, MIO Hideaki
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
工房むくの木 Atelier MUKUNOKI(木工家具・食器 / 岐阜県)


Wooden work / resident in Gifu Pref.
MIO Hideaki (the deceased) was born in Gifu prefecture and was active as a journalist and a magazine writer. In 1983,
he came back to Gifu and established Atelier MUKUNOKI to make painting wooden works.
He created furniture, tableware, and paintings with his wife, Masako, and hold exhibitions a lot.
At the same time, he had planned exhibitions such as “Exhibition of FUDOKI in the forest”
all over Japan and tried to propose various lifestyles as his life work.
In the present, his twin daughters and Masako have created works.

三尾 あすか・あづち MIO Asuka & Azuchi(絵画・立体など / 岐阜県・大阪府在住)

1985 岐阜県に生まれる
2005 (あすか)大阪芸大短期大学部デザイン美術学科絵画コース 卒業
    (あづち)京都嵯峨芸術短期大学イラストレーション科 卒業
2008 (あすか)京都造形芸術大学美術工芸学科洋画コース 編入,卒業

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Direction
今 私たちの出来る限りの準備と工夫で、皆様にオンラインでも作品の魅力をお届けできるように日夜頑張っております。
Due to the new coronavirus, this exhibition is only available online and by appointment.
Normally, we would like you to come to PAKUPAKUAN and pick out the pieces you want to see while enjoying a cup of tea or a drink.
Now, we are trying our best to prepare and devise as much as we can so that we can bring you the charm of the works online as well.
We hope that you will take notice of the works even under these circumstances.
And we wish for a safe and peaceful day to come soon.
From the bottom of our hearts, PAKUPAKUAN members are praying for the safety and health of everyone.