Home > Exhibition > Metalworking artist SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition

白白庵 ギャラリー&オンライン企画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents Gallery & Online exhibition

~ グツグツ、ドロドロ、煮込んでます ~
Bubbling, sticky stewed in the melting pot

金工作家 角居 康宏 個展

Metalworking artist SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition
"Melting pot"

【ギャラリー開催】   全作品展示販売 / 入場無料 / 予約不要
 日程 2022年11月26日(土)・27日(日)・12月3日(土)・4日(日)

 時間 午前11時~午後7時
 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー&茶室、2階サロン)

【GALLERY exhibition】   《No appointment required, entrance free》
 DATE : Saturday & Sunday during 2022.11.26 Sat. - 12.4 Sun.
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit gallery on Monday or Friday by mail, telephone, or message from any SNS.
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 TIME : 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor & Tea room, salon at 2nd floor)
【オンライン開催】   およそ50作品を厳選して公開
 日時 2022年11月27日(日) 午後5時 ~ 12月4日(日)午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》 内特設ページ

【ON LINE viewing】   Limited to top 50 works
 DATE & TIME : 2022.11.27 Sun. 5:00pm. - 12.4 Sun. 7:00pm.
 VENUE : Special issues page on 《PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP》

【 「南青山 ハッピーアワー」ライブ配信 】
【Talk live streaming “Minami-Aoyama Happy Hour”】
[日 時] 11月26日(土) 午後5時~ (約45分)
[出 演] 石橋  圭吾(白白庵 主宰)
      佐々木 達郎(酒数奇者 / 「酒器道楽」主宰)
[ゲスト] 角居  康宏(金工作家)
*白白庵Facebookページから配信します。 https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan
viewing free
[Date] Nov 26 (Sat), 2022 [Time] 17:00~ (about 45min.)
[Talk live] ISHIBASHI Keigo (President of PAKUPAKUAN)
      SASAKI Tatsuro (“Man of well-cultivated tastes for sake” / The representative of “SHUKI DO-RAKU”)
[Guest artist] SUMII Yasuhiro (Metalworking artist from Nagano pref.)
*Stream on PAKUPAKUAN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pakupakuan

アイデンティティ I Identity I


標 X IV Mark X IV

層 III Layer III

Surrounding the magma of this planet
Melting our coagulated hearts
Pouring the water of life into each other
and drink together
Bubbling and sticky
If you let it stew
新しい卵が生まれたよ。 A new egg is born.





SUMII Yasuhiro was born and studied in Ishikawa pref, the Mecca of arts & crafts, and moved to Nagano to establish himself as a metalwork artist.
His third solo exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN will feature "casting”, another axis of his production, as well as "forging" which he has been showing until now.

The title “melting pot” refers to a heat-resistant container in which metallic materials used as raw materials for artworks are melted and processed at high temperatures.
In turn, it is also recognized as a device to dissolve different materials, cultures, ideologies, etc., such as a “melting pot of race”, to create a new form of matter.

In addition to sake vessels and flower vases made of “forging”, which show stylish and flexible forms while tin, known as a soft metal, is beaten and forged, this year's exhibition features new works of art objects with a wild presence created by "casting”.
The essence of SUMII Yasuhiro’s work will be revealed through the contrast between the refined using beauty of crafted objects and the primitive three-dimensional artwork.

A melting pot that is actually used will be brought to the exhibition venue.
In a world of conflict and rupture, as if you were sitting around a single pot, we hope that you will have a time to think of peace while enjoying a drink.

左:注器 Kingfisher Left : Pitcher / Kingfisher  右:注器 KIWI Left : Pitcher / KIWI

革巻ぐい呑&革巻徳利 二合 Leather-bound guinomi & Leather-bound TOKKURI sake bottle / 360cc

銚子 ちょぼ Pitcher / CHOBO

冷酒コップ Bamboo Cold sake cup “Bamboo”

銚子 おきな Bamboo Sake pitcher “OKINA (Old man)”

【 白白庵オンラインショップ 期間限定 】 PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP For a limited time ※会期終了しました。This exhibition was finished.
鋳造オブジェ 作品一覧
"Art objects from melting pot" collection
花器・掛花 作品一覧
Flower vase collection
酒器 & 酒盃 作品一覧
Sake pitcher & sake cup collection
額縁 作品一覧
Frame collection
白白庵オンラインショップでは上記作品他にもより多くの作品を掲載しております 【期間限定】 金工作家 角居 康宏 個展 「るつぼ」
and more PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP Metalworking artist SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition "Melting pot"

【出展作家】 Artist
角居 康宏 SUMII Yasuhiro

金工作家 / 長野県在住
1968 石川県生まれ
1993 金沢美術工芸大学 美術工芸学部産業美術学科 工芸デザイン専攻 卒業
1995 「天理ビエンナーレ」(奈良)
2005 「中国国際画廊博覧会」(北京, 中国)(ʼ06)
2007 「まつしろ現代美術フェスティバル」(松代 / 長野)(ʼ08)
2009 「佐野ルネッサンス鋳金展」[優秀賞受賞](佐野市, 栃木)
2015 個展(志賀高原ロマン美術館 / 長野)
2016 個展(関口美術館 / 東京)
2017 個展(信州高遠美術館 / 長野)
2018 「シンビズム」(信州ミュージアムネットワーク選抜展)

公式サイト https://www.yasuhiro-sumii.com/

Metalworking artist / Resident in Nagano pref.
【Brief personal history】
1968 Born in Ishikawa Japan
1993 Graduate from Kanazawa University of Art and Craft
1995 Tenri Biennale (Nara)
2005 China International Gallery Exposition (Beijing China) (ʼ06)
2007 Matsushiro Contemporary Art Festival Vol.6(Nagano) (ʼ08)
2009 Sano renaissance[silver prize] (Sano, Tochigi)
2015 Solo Exhibition [Shigakogen roman museum] (Tokyo)
2016 Solo Exhibition [Sekiguchi Art Museum] (Tokyo)
2018 Shinbism(Selection of Shinsyu Museum Network)


【企画・ディレクション】 Planning, Direction
 石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)

錫不定形吊下額縁 Tin indeterminate form suspension frame

掛花入 大 赤 Hanging flower vase / large / red

花器 Fesn I Flower vase “Fesn 1”

たま Sphere