Home > Exhibition > SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition

白白庵 オンライン+アポイントメント限定企画 | PAKUPAKUAN Online + Appointment Limited exhibition


日 は ま た 昇 る 希 望 と と も に

The sun will rise again, with the hope.

金工作家・角居 康宏 展

Metal artist SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition
"before dawn"
【 オ ン ラ イ ン 】
 日時 2020年10月9日(金) 午前11時 - 19日(月) 午後7時
 会場 白白庵オンラインショップ PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP 内特設ページ

 角居 康宏 個展 「before dawn」 オンライン展示

 DATE & TIME : 2020.10.9 FRI. 11:00am. - 19 MON. 7:00pm.
 *only order correspondence for a regular holiday on Thursday during a session
 VENUE : Special issues page on PAKUPAKUAN.SHOP
 SUMII Yasuhiro solo exhibition "before dawn" Online exhibition
 日程 2020年10月9日(金)~19日(月)のうち、金・土・日・月曜日 限定
 時間 午前11時~午後7時 の間で 一時間枠

 会場 白白庵(1階エントランスギャラリー)

【Appointment for visiting PAKUPAKUAN gallery】
 DATE : Only FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY and Monday during 2020.10.9 FRI. - 19 MON.
 *Tuesday and Wednesday are online business days, Thursday is a regular holiday.
 TIME : 1 hour during 11:00am. to 7:00pm.
 *Only less than 3 people will be accepted in each time schedules.
 *We do not give the permission to visit to our gallery if visitors will be over 3 members.
 *Please contact us if you hope to visit us, until in business hours (11:00-19:00) of the day before visit (mail, telephone, or message from any SNS).
 *Mask wearing, alcohol sterilization, the thermometry at the entrance are required.

 VENUE : PAKUPAKUAN (Entrance gallery at 1st floor)

What does he think about and give shape to?
His long-awaited first solo exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN
will not hide the traces of the artist's agony in the aftermath of the corona plague,
but will be a message of hope for a new world yet to be seen.
8月に「長野県 頑張るアーティスト応援事業 テーマ型 対象事業動画制作」としてリリースされた制作動画「曙光 -SHOKO-」には中条における貴重なオブジェ制作風景の一端が収録されており、今回の個展の主役としてその実作品が登場する予定です。
SUMII Yasuhiro has focused on his own artistic activities as well as interaction with local people as a core member of NAKAJO ART LOCATION "BA", established in 2018 in Nakajo, Nagano City, as a place for exchange and production of artworks by artists. His tin utensils, which are highly regarded in various parts of Japan, have been used for sake cups, pitchers, daily cups, vases, and in recent years, tea ceremony utensils. His works can be used for a long time and are cherished.
On the other hand, he has also been active in the production of objects that reflect his artistic side, such as solo exhibitions at museums. He has gained many fans since his first exhibition at PAKUPAKUAN in 2013, but this is his first solo exhibition after a long wait. This will be the opportunity to show his pride as an artist living in a world where a new type of coronavirus is spreading and people are calling for a "new normal".
The video "-SHOKO-" released in August under the title "Nagano Prefecture Project to support hardworking artists themed type Target Project Video Production" contains a part of the production of his objects made in Nakajo. And the actual artwork is scheduled to be the main feature of this solo exhibition.
Of course, there will be many new pieces of sake cups, tablewares and vases, which are popular with people of all ages. We hope you will take this opportunity to try these masterpieces; each work is highly aesthetic and practical, and is backed by solid technique.
【長野県 頑張るアーティスト応援事業 テーマ型 対象事業動画】 角居康宏 「曙光 ~夜明けにさす太陽の光~」
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist
角居 康宏 SUMII Yasuhiro(金工作家・彫刻家 / 長野)

金工作家・彫刻家 / 長野県在住
1968 石川県生まれ
1993 金沢美術工芸大学美術工芸学部産業美術学科工芸デザイン専攻 卒業
2015 個展(志賀高原ロマン美術館 / 長野)
2016 個展(関口美術館 / 東京)
    個展「層」(ギャラリー川船 / 東京)
2017 個展「野辺」(as baku B / 金沢)
    個展(信州高遠美術館 / 長野)
2018 「シンビズム」(信州ミュージアムネットワーク選抜展)
    「金工 角居康宏展」(アートサロン光玄 / 愛知)
2019 白白庵リニューアルオープン記念企画「南青山大茶湯」(白白庵 / 東京)
    「夏の宵茶会」「煎茶上等 リターンズ」「大縁起物展」(白白庵 / 東京)
2020 「春爛漫 百花繚乱茶会」(白白庵 / 東京)

Metal work artist, sculptor / resident in Nagano pref.
〔Brief Personal Histroy〕
1968 Born in Ishikawa Japan
1993 Graduate from Kanazawa University of Art and Craft
〔Major exhibitions in recent years〕
2015 Solo Exhibition [Shigakogen roman museum] (Tokyo)
2016 Solo Exhibition [Sekiguchi Art Museum] (Tokyo)
    Solo Exhibition [Gallery Kawafune] (Tokyo)
2017 Solo Exhibition [as baku B] (Kanazawa)
    Solo Exhibition [Takato Museum of Arts] (Nagano)
2018 Shinbism(Selection of Shinsyu Museum Network)
    Solo Exhibition [Art Salon Kogen] (Aichi)
2019 PAKUPAKUAN Reopen after renovation Event“Minami Aoyama Great Tea Party”(PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)
    "Summer Night Tea Party”, “SENCHA JO-TO / Returns”, "Great exhibition of lucky charm" (PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)
2020 "Hundred flowers blooming in profusion" (PAKUPAKUAN / Tokyo)

【 企画・ディレクション 】 Direction
今 私たちの出来る限りの準備と工夫で、皆様にオンラインでも作品の魅力をお届けできるように日夜頑張っております。
Due to the new coronavirus, this exhibition is only available online and by appointment.
Normally, we would like you to come to PAKUPAKUAN and pick out the pieces you want to see while enjoying a cup of tea or a drink.
Now, we are trying our best to prepare and devise as much as we can so that we can bring you the charm of the works online as well.
We hope that you will take notice of the works even under these circumstances.
And we wish for a safe and peaceful day to come soon.
From the bottom of our hearts, PAKUPAKUAN members are praying for the safety and health of everyone.