松村 宗亮 MATSUMURA Soryo |
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裏千家茶道准教授 茶道教室SHUHALLY代表 へうげもの筆頭茶道 学生時代ヨーロッパを放浪中に日本人でありながら日本文化を知らないことに気づき、帰国後茶道を開始。 「SHUHALLYプロジェクト」として”茶の湯をもっと自由に、もっと楽しく”をモットーに、茶道教室やお茶会を主宰。 茶の湯の基本を守りつつ、現代に合った創意工夫を加えた独自のスタイルを構築。今までに海外10カ国や首相公邸などから招かれ多数の茶会をプロデュース。 コンテンポラリーアートや舞踏、ヒューマンビートボックス、漫画等、他ジャンルとのコラボレーションも積極的におこなっている。 裏千家十六代家元坐忘斎に命名されたオリジナル茶室「文彩庵」がグッドデザイン賞を受賞。 |
Associate Professor of Urasenke School The representative of Tea Ceremony School SHUHALLY Hyougemono Principal Sado (person in charge of the tea ceremony) He had realized he did not know Japanese culture even though he was Japanese while traveling in Europe when he was a student. After coming back to Japan, he started to learn the tea ceremony. As “SHUHALLY Project”, he runs his tea ceremony school and holds tea parties, whose motto is “Make the tea ceremony freer, more enjoyable”. He creates his own style adding to ingenuity suitable for modern times while keeping the basic of the tea ceremony. He has been invited and produced the tea parties in 10 overseas countries and prime minister's residence. He is willing to collaborate with other genres such as contemporary art, dance, beatboxing, and manga. His original tea room “BUN SAI AN”, named by Zabousai (the16th head of Urasenke school), won GOOD DESIGN AWARD. |