Home > 2019 Exhibition > TSUDA Tomoko solo exhibition

白 白 庵 企 画 | PAKUPAKUAN presents


大 切 な も の を 護 り た い

I want to guard my important things

陶 ・ 津 田 友 子 個 展

Ceramic artist TSUDA Tomoko solo exhibition "Guardian forest"

[日 程] 2019年11月16日(土) - 27日(水) *木曜定休
[時 間] 午前11時 - 午後8時
[会 場] 白白庵(3階ギャラリー)

[Date] Nov 16 (Sat) - 27 (Wed), 2019 *closed on every Thursday.
[Time] Open: 11:00 am Close: 08:00 pm
[Place] PAKUPAKUAN (Third Floor)

「Guardian」は今までずっと器の使い勝手の良さ・使う人の仕草の美しさにこだわってきた津田が、初めて「用いる」ことから離れ 自身を取り巻く環境の変化、激動の世界情勢、人間の様々な欲望・衝動・激しい感情の揺れ動きなどに触れる中で、自らを、そして命をかけて大切にするもの、愛するものを護りたいと強く思い、生み出した作品群です。まるで密教法具の「独鈷杵(どっこしょ)」のように災厄を打ち払い、荒れた心や身体・環境を浄化する願いを込めて・・・。

Since TSUDA Tomoko started to learn ceramics for the first time, the core part of her making works has consisted of Raku wares for the tea ceremony.
She expresses several colors such as red/white/scarlet/gray/Japanese ink black and the like. The graceful and soft texture is popular as her own feature.
Moreover, her incent containers imitating varied animals/characters gain more and more high evaluations.
Added to these new Raku series, she would show the luxury tableware series, “HENSO”, that she started to make recently and has gained high evaluations in and out of Japan. Additionally, her latest objects series, “Guardian”, will be shown.
She has focused on the usability of vessels and the beauty of users’ behaviors, but she has left “using” for the first time and created the “Guardian” series.
Under the changes surrounding her, ever-changing world affairs, humans’ desires, impulse, emotional upheaval, she has created the group of new works, hoping to guard herself and also what she treasures and loves at the risk of her own life.
She wishes on her works for preventing disasters and purifying the stormy mind, body, and conditions as if “Dokkosho (one of the Esoteric Buddhist Ritual Implements)”…

Not only by appreciating the works of TSUDA Tomoko, who is at a major turning point as a ceramic artist, but also by joining the tea ceremony at our tea room, it would be easier to take her works in your hand even if this would be the first time to see them.
We hope the exhibition would be full of the charm of her world created by clay and fire and everyone would enjoy it.
【 井上大輔氏(ARTS)によるオープニングカクテル 】 Cocktail serving with tea bowl, by INOUE Daisuke (bar ARTS)
日時 11月16日(土) 17:00-20:00
カクテル 井上 大輔(「ARTS」 バーテンダー)
《一杯 1,000円(込) / 予約不要(先着順でご案内)》

[Date] Nov 16 (Sat) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
[Cocktail Serving] INOUE Daisuke (Bar “ARTS”)
《1,000JPY for 1 cup of original cocktail, serving with a tea bowl. No reservation is required.》
井上 大輔
INOUE Daisuke
【 表千家教授・佐藤文昭氏による呈茶会 】 Tea Ceremony conducted by a master of Tea Ceremony, Omote Senke
日時 11月17日(日) 13:00-18:00
呈茶 佐藤 文昭(表千家 教授) 千翠会主宰
《参加 1,000円(込) 薄茶一服、お菓子付き / 予約不要(先着順でご案内、 40名様限定)》

[Date] Nov 17 (Sun) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] SATO Fumiaki (Omote Senke / SENSUI KAI)
《1,000JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
【 川原宗敦氏(乙亥会)による濃茶会 】 Tea Ceremony of full-flavored green tea conducted by KAWAHARA So-atsu
日時 11月23日(土) 13:00-18:00
呈茶 川原 宗敦 (茶道教室 「乙亥会」 代表代行)
《参加 1,000円(込) 濃茶、お菓子付き / 予約不要(先着順でご案内、 40名様限定)》

[Date] Nov 23 (Sat) 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
[Tea Serving] KAWAHARA So-atsu (Acting leader of the tea school “OTOI KAI”)
《1,000JPY to Join, No reservation is required.》(Guests will be served in order of arrival, to the first 40 guests.)
川原 宗敦
【 陶に名を書くワークショップ 】 The workshop of Calligraphy (personal name) on a ceramic ware
日時 11月24日(日) 第一部 17:00-18:30 / 第二部 19:00-20:30 (各回定員4名)
講師 白石 雪妃(書家), 津田 友子
二階カウンターにて、今展の題字を担当し津田友子とのコラボレーション作品を出品する書家・白石雪妃の指導のもと、津田友子の用意した「表札」または「台皿」(いずれも陶製)のどちらか一つを選び、 呉須で書(名前)をしたためるワークショップ。
半紙で練習をした上で陶に向き合い、 完成後には白石・津田とお茶・お酒を楽しみながら歓談のひとときも。
《参加 10,000円(込) / 要予約》
(お問合せは TEL. 03-3402-3021または メール info@pakupakuan.jp まで!)

[Date] Nov 24 (Sun) 《part 1》 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm / 《part 2》 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Reservation is required (limited 4 members per 1 part)
[Instructor] SHIRAISHI Setsuhi (Calligrapher), TSUDA Tomoko (Ceramic artist)
《10,000JPY with an original ceramic nameplate or flat plate, given after the firing process》
(Reservation is required / TEL. 03-3402-3021 or mail info@pakupakuan.jp)
白石 雪妃
【 出 展 作 家 】 Artist(敬称略)
津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko(陶芸 / 京都)

陶芸家 / 京都市在住
1975 京都で生まれる
京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了
京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了
2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付け、制作に励む。

Ceramic artist / resident in KYOTO pref.
1975 born in Kyoto
1997~ for seven years, studied under YOSHIMURA Rakunyu (the artist of the hand-molded earthenware "RAKU")
    completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department
    completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course
2015 named the kiln at Hanazono, Kyoto, as “BIOU KILN” and work hard at production.
A lot of handling in department stores, based in PAKUPAKUAN, Tokyo,
energizing by solo exhibitions, group exhibitions in each place of Japan.

【 題字・コラボレーション作品協力 】 Title, collaboration work cooperation
書家 白石 雪妃 Calligrapher SHIRAISHI Setsuhi
【 企画・撮影・アートディレクション 】 Planning, photography and art direction
石橋 圭吾 (白白庵) ISHIBASHI Keigo (PAKUPAKUAN)